S.No. Transaction Type Channel Per Txn Service Charge Remarks
1 Load Fund SCT
2 Load Fund Visa Master Card 3% Wallet User
3 Load Fund Prabhu Bank Rs.2 Merchant User

less than Rs 4,000 transaction

4 Load Fund Nepal Investment Bank Rs.5 Merchant User

less than Rs 4,000 transaction

5 Load Fund Other Bank eBanking Rs.7 Merchant User

less than Rs 4,000 transaction

6 Send Money Coop A/c Deposit Rs.50 Wallet User/Merchant User
7 Send Money Remittance Rs100 (upto NPR 10000) Wallet User/Merchant User
Rs180 (NPR 10001 upto 25000) Wallet User/Merchant User
8 Bank Transfer All Bank Upto Rs 5000 : Rs 11.30 Wallet User/Merchant User
Rs. 5000 - Rs. 25000 : Rs. 16.95 Wallet User/Merchant User
9 Credit Card Payment All Bank
  1. 0-500: Rs5
  2. 500.01-5000: Rs10
  3. 5000.01-10000: Rs15
  4. 10000.01-20000: Rs20
  5. 20000.01-30000: Rs30
  6. 30000.01-50000: Rs40
  7. 50000.01-100000: Rs50
Wallet User/Merchant User
10 Nepal Electricity Bill Payment NEA
  1. 0-500: Rs0
  2. 500.01-100000: Rs5
Wallet User/Merchant User
11 Demat/Mero Share renewal Capital Market
  1. Rs2
Wallet User/Merchant User

Limitation on Transaction Through E-money:

Fund Transfers/ Payments Per Transaction Daily Limit Monthly Limit
Agent/Sub Agents to Consumer Wallets(Cash In) Rs 25,000 Rs 25,000 Rs 1 Lakh
Consumer wallet to Agent/Sub Agents (Cash Out) Rs 5,000 Rs 5,000 Rs 25,000
Wallets to Bank(Agent) Rs 50,000 Rs 5 Lakhs Rs 20 Lakhs
Bank to Wallets(Load) Rs 2 Lakhs Rs 2 Lakhs Rs 10 Lakhs
Wallets to Banks Rs 2 Lakhs Rs 2 Lakhs Rs 10 Lakhs
Wallets to Wallets Rs 25,000 Rs 50,000 Rs 5 Lakhs