Designed to simplify consumer's life in all short of ways using
smart technology.
In the world of technological speed why should we recharge manually and go to banks for transferring the money. If you have PrabhuPay Wallet App in your phone : Mobile topup, data packs and recharge pin for subscription renewal is easy as eating a pie. Even transferring money from one bank account to another or just paying your friend money can be easily transferred via PrabhuPay App. Now no more having wallet in your pocket just carry your phone and make your payments easy.
Waiting in Queue and missing all the fun activities with friend for Bill Payments? No way! Prabhu Pay wallet introduces Digital Payment. All your Household Bills like (Electricity, Water, Internet, Landline, Television) payments can be easily paid through your Digital Wallet “PrabhuPAY”.
Not only household bills you can easily pay Insurance Payments, Demat payments, Remittance, Bank transfer, Co-operative Deposit and Scan & Pay. You just need to load the funds in the app and enjoy any of the services mentioned above.
If you ever get sick or need to travel around the world not to worry about waiting in queue and buying tickets, PrabhuPAY does it all. PrabhuPAY provides you services like Hospital OPD ticketing, flight and bus ticketing, Movie ticketing, Specified Event ticketing and Digital application form. You can book tickets online and also make payments for them. Its just that easy with simple click from PrabhuPAY Wallet App.
All around the world our relatives, friends, family members are living out there and working to support financially to the people they love. People around the world are sending money to the families living in Nepal. It’s not that difficult to send out money and it makes even easier by PrabhuPAY Wallet. No more Banking Queues and fill out those bulky forms just need to download the app in our mobile and have easy transaction from PrabhuPAY Wallet.
Digital wallets help to save time for online financial transaction and
are more secure
User can use Instant hassle-free setup to load money in the PrabhuPAY Wallet from various banks through e-banking, mbanking, load via card then connect ips and withdraw by sending money to the bank account.
Prabhu pay makes easy access to send and request money. From just few clicks money can be transferred from one account to another.
Consumers can send money directly to bank account and withdraw cash whenever required.
You can shop online and make payments from PrabhuPAY app. You can visit listed restaurants and just pay from prabhupay. Not only that you can even pay for Medical supplies from one simple click.
Now all kind of ticketing is just few clicks away from PrabhuPAY app. Not only Movie ticketing you can also buy Hospital OPD ticketing, flight and bus ticketing and Specified Event ticketing which can be easily accessed via PrabhuPAY Wallet.
Prabhu pay is not just the app for transferring money, you can also get reward points. When you make transactions via PrabhuPAY wallet you earn the reward points and from those points you can redeem gifts or any other rewards. Win win situation for you from all the angles.
Sending and Receiving money to the people far from you is an easy task from PrabhuPay App remittance Service. There is nothing easier than just having your phone around you and receiving money without going out in the long queues. PrabhuPay App gives this facility in your phone.
Consumer can engage Votes on their favourite shows or any kind of events directly from PrabhuPAY App